Today's installment of Etsy Finds Friday revolves around things I think my husband would like...
He has lots of interests, so, it's usually quite easy to shop for him for B-Days, Christmas, etc...
Up first we have the Monkey Muffin Hand Screen Printed T-Shirt by Dogbone Art. Click the pic to go to the listing!
It's a monkey... it's a muffin!!! One of the husband's most favorite things is monkeys... they're in the top three of all time husband favs... I like that it's also a muffin... because I like muffins...
Next, I bring you a Bright Orange Bigfoot Magnet by PearsonMaron. Click the pic to go to the listing!
Oh, the Bigfoot... a few steps up from a Monkey, but not quite as cool as a Chupacabra?? Bigfoot magnet would make a welcome addition to the front of our fridge!
This is supa cool... it's a Godzilla vs. Unicorn wallet by Andrew Bargeron for Tinymeat. Click the pic to go to the listing!
Godzilla? Versus a Unicorn? I think I just entered into "must purchase immediately" territory... Tinymeat has so many cool little wallets - they remind me of those Poketo wallets from a few years ago - not the type of wallet you could use everyday, but when you need a little wallet... or you want to show off your cool Godzilla vs. Unicorn wallet... they're perfect!
...and finally, here we have a Robot Graphic Mousepad by Crystal J. Clickity click that pic to go to the listing!
So cute! Mr. Canacorn loves himself some robots... he also enjoys spending time on the computer... hmmm...
So, there you have it, folks - if you ever feel like bestowing my spouse with a gifty gift... keep these things in mind... robots, monsters, unicorns, and of course, Lone Star Beer...
Happy Friday!