I've worked at the same record store for the past 12 years... since I was 20 years old. At said record store, I've done the same job for the last 8 years... in the same office... with the same people...
After sharing what's probably about 25 square feet or so of an office with the same people for 8 years, there's certain things that we all do that drive each other crazy...
One of us talks to himself all the time... I mean all of the time... imagine for a moment - if you sat about 2 feet away from someone who's every passing random thought came out of their mouth the moment they thought it... all day... every day...
One of us likes to make little jokes about things he sees in new release books - silly band names, funny costumes on foreign band members - pretty much the same three jokes about the same three subjects - over and over and over and over and over...
One of us has the most horrifying, grotesque, disgusting, soul-crushing habit I have ever had to sit next to...
Ice eating.
I'm not talking about the occasional crunch when you take a big sip and accidentally get a cube in your mouth...
I'm talking about a full-on, all-day, never-ending, unrelenting, unstoppable, inhuman CRUNCH-A-THON.
I wish I had a recording of this ice fest that I could play for you now, but here it is as best I can recreate in type:
Swoosshh... slurp... jangle... suck... slam (the cup back down on the desk)... crunch crunch crunch crunch...
It's seriously challenging my very will to live and making me question the crazy that I know lives in my head...
I mean really - it's just ice crunching... I can get used to it... sometimes he takes a day off... he has to get up from that chair at some point... why doesn't he eat food... why does this not bother the other two in the room... why do they think it's funny that it drives me to insanity...
I find myself counting the in-between crunching seconds sometimes... on average... he crunches ice every 17 seconds... yeah... I'm not even kidding...
I even Wiki'ed it - turns out it's really bad for your teeth and most likely means you have intestinal problems or an iron deficiency. So I tell my little cruncher all about how bad it is for you... he could care... back to the crunching...
Swoosshh... slurp... jangle... suck... slam (the cup back down on the desk)... crunch crunch crunch crunch...
Oh, I managed to snap a pic of the cup that contains the instruments used to create the most horrifying thing that happens to me on a daily basis...
Ladies and gents, I present to you... the CUP OF TERROR...
He fills this sucker up 4 to 5 times a day... A DAY!!! I'm not talking with soda or tea or water either... JUST ICE!
Swoosshh... slurp... jangle... suck... slam (the cup back down on the desk)... crunch crunch crunch crunch...
I know that I am perfect and do absolutely nothing to ever annoy anyone ever, but I sure do wish I could figure out something that he despises so that I could constantly do it over and over again...
So, tell me... am I alone? Do you guys have people in your office that torture you with this type of thing????