I know I'm probably the last person in the whole world to hear about this band, but I am so in love with them, I just had to share with you today!
Sleigh Bells. They rule. Go forth and listen to their album 'Treats'. You will be pleased.
Pretty much everytime I find a new band that I like, they almost always remind me of an old band that I like and I end up just wanting to listen to the old band.
Tis the case with Sleigh Bells too, though their record doesn't sound much like the records it reminds me of, but rather a general feeling of awesomeness that they all seem to have in common.
The first band that came up in my memory bank was I Am the World Trade Center.
This is the best pic I could find... sad...
They were on Kindercore back in the early two-thousands... I think they have three releases, but my favorite is 'Out of the Loop'.
The second band is also on Kindercore - Kitty Craft.
I literally bought Beats and Breaks From the Flower Patch because the cover is so awesome. It quickly became one of my favorite records ever, so, guess you can judge a book by it's cover sometimes!
...and there you have it - new music listening to inspire old music listening! Good times...