Low and behold! My Scavenger Project packet arrived at the end of last week!
I'm so excited to be a part of this project - brought to us by the fine folk over at
Art House Coop and
Design For Mankind!
I worked on the first three items on the list this past weekend. Here's what I came up with for #1...
1. Dog with it's head out the car window
Now, they said in the packet that anything goes... they also discouraged us from just simple drawings and sketches - which is cool with me...
I also set up a few rules for myself, just to make the project more of a challenge... oh, and because I love rules... almost as much as I love deadlines...
First rule is only use materials that you already have - no purchasing special stuff just for this project. I thought that by making myself use what's laying around would be more in the 'scavenger' frame of mind and so far, it's been fun digging through my stash of fabric, paints, bits, pieces, etc.
Second rule is sketch out what you want to do for each item on the list - like a journal of the project...
Okay, so, back to #1 on the list...
Here's the sketch...
Yes, the list says 'dog', but I'm not really a dog-person. I'm a crazy cat lady, so, I thought it would be fun to make a cat dressed up as a dog trying to get away in a tin can car.
The tin can car idea proved to be almost impossible to make - it's one thing cutting a tin can from it's edge, it's entirely another situation to try and cut it in the middle and make it look good... so, no tin can car... but, I'd like you to meet Mr. Wiskerton...
So, cat in a dog suit... check!
Now Mr. Wiskerton needs a getaway car...
First, I put him in my Bug-a-loo...
...which is cute, but I thought he might like his own car...
Here is Mr. Wiskerton in a nice blue Bug-a-loo...
I like both ideas, although I think I'm liking the paper car better than the real car...
Husband prefers the paper car...
So, what do you guys think? Real or paper?