The Scavenger Project book is finally here! I was so excited to see it waiting for me in my mailbox last week.
My creatures were featured not once but twice in the book...
Mr. Wiskerton...
...and Mr. Cat E. Pants...
This book marks the first time I've ever been published and also marks the first time I've ever been a part of an art show at a gallery... Check out the opening of the Scavenger show at the Art House Co-Op in Atlanta... click here!
Both Mr. Wiskerton and Mr. Cat E. Pants - along with Mr. Pepper (who you can see in the gallery photos) were all adopted at the Blue Genie Art Bazaar this past Christmas, so, that's kind of cool too - that somebody's new buddy has been featured in a book!
I had so much fun being a part of this project (even though I was just a few weeks pregnant and had absolutely no energy to be creative) - it was still a great experience!
Want your own copy of the book? Just click here!