My husband and I just celebrated our 2 year wedding anniversary this past December 18th.
Since our anniversary is so close to Christmas, we like to use the traditional wedding anniversary gift guide... first year is paper, second is cotton, I think next year is leather... (that should be interesting)...
What to get that's made of cotton for your spouse?
Well, my husband loves monkeys... loves 'em... so...
I commissioned a sock monkey master on to make a pair of monkeys that resembled us on our wedding day!
Here's a pic of them on our lovely Trading Spaces shelves...
I was so happy that they matched the bedroom!
So, Noelle, what did Corey get for you? Funny you should ask!
One of my favorite things in all the world - new slippers!
Hand made, cotton blend, cute flower buttons... good stuff...
He also got me a yard of super cute fabric...
I've already made a skirt out of it to wear on New Year's Eve...
and have enough left over to incorporate it into a stuffed creature that I'm working on... more on that later...